
50 amp RV service

Published 05-02-2021 Maverik

50 amp RV service

There are a lot of recreational vehicle owners in the United States of America. Buying and owning a recreational vehicle itself is considered something very huge. The maintenance of the recreational vehicle, especially in terms of charging does come in with a lot of specifications and recommendations. The type of charging and the plug used for charging determines the quality and the lifetime of the recreational vehicle. 

It is very pertinent to understand how to provide the charge which is required for the recreational vehicle. The fuel of the recreational vehicle is used only for transportation of the vehicle in terms of its engine usage. Whereas for the other purposes like the lighting of the vehicle and the various other features, which makes a normal vehicle a recreational one is dependent on the type and the amount of charge which is fed into the vehicle. 

There are a lot of chances and cases where the charging port of the recreational vehicle gets repaired. There are usually two types of charging plugs and ports used in recreational vehicles one being 50 amps and the other not being 30 amps.

What do you need to know regarding the 50 amps RV service?

There are certain things you need to know regarding the 50 amps RV service.  It is essential to understand the working of the 50 amps RV charge system. For the RV 50 amps system, it has about four prongs consisting of two 120 volt hot wires, one neutral wire, and a ground wire. The 50 amps RV can supply more than 12,000 Watts. 

In case you find a problem with only 50 amps plug is available, but you have a 30 and RV service. You need not worry as you can make use of an adapter to plug in your 50 amps RV into the 30 amps plug.  The smaller sized RV makes use of the 30 amps service whereas the larger sized RV with a lot of features and modern appliances makes use of the 50 amps service.  With the help of an adapter of 50 amps, the service plug can be fit into a 30 amps power pedestal. But one should keep in mind that with only 30 amps of RV service power being supplied into the 50 amps RV via an adapter, it is not possible to supply the heavy load inside the vehicle. For instance. If you have two air conditioners inside your recreational vehicle, with the help of the adapter for 50 amps RV being supplied from 30 amps power, one can run only one air conditioner.

The problem associated with the 50 amps RV service is that not all campsites have the essential infrastructure for 50 amps RV pedestal.

Important details on 50 amps RV service

The most common problem which people with 50 amps service encounter days is the need for a proper extension cord. The normal extension cord available for any recreational vehicle is generally 30 to 50 feet in length. The 30 amps RV service makes use of a 10 gauge wire system. Whereas the 50 amps RV system makes use of a 6 gauge hot and neutral wire system and 8 gauge ground system.  It is very vital to carry the extension cords in your recreational vehicle as not all the charging locations are distanced at hands reach.

Power surge protectors and voltage regulators

The power surge protectors are the ones that protect your recreational vehicle from any sudden increase in the power supply. A drastic increase in the supply of power will cause severe damage to the appliances inside your recreational vehicle. The voltage regulator will detect and rectify any kind of voltage fluctuations within the electrical system to not interfere with the amps being supplied. It is not advised to use your power supply system without the essential protection devices. 

Though there are a lot of other things one must be aware of while using the 50 amps power service for RV, these are some of the most important things you need to take into consideration while using the 50 amps power system.

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